Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sarah Day

Mrs. Lebo


Final Exam

1) Beowulf Cycle of the Hero-

Call to Adventure.- In Beowulf the call to adventure is rather obvious. It is when he is asked my the king of the Danes to come and rid them of their monster, Grendel. Beowulf, being the great and powerful hero that he is obliges and agrees to do every thing in his power to kill the beast.

Helpers- The most obvious helpers that Beowulf has are his men. His men stand by him through thick and thin, no matter what the situation. Eve when they are going up against a great beast that is widely known for it's ability to destroy anything in it's path, they still stay by Beowulf's side. Another person who helps Beowulf later on in the story is Unferth. Unferth, though he doubted Beowulf in the beginning comes back to help him when he needs it. When Beowulf is going to try and kill Grendel's's mother, Unferth gives him a sword that has been in his family for years, Hrunting. This gesture of kindness is displayed in hopes that he can help Beowulf achieve his goal of killing the monster.

Threshold to adventure- In my opinion the Threshold to adventure is when Beowulf is challenged by Unferth and promises to stay all night in the mead hall. It is at this point in the story when Beowulf leaps headfirst n to the adventure and commits to 'tough it out' so to speak, no matter what happens.

Tests- There are two main tests that I think manifest themselves in Beowulf. The first is when Beowulf attacks and kills Grendel. It is then that Beowulf shows his true power and strength and starts to transform in to the hero that he becomes by the end of the story. A second Test that is shown in the story is when Grendels mother attacks Herot and kills many of the people. It seems as if in dong this she is taunting Beowulf, daring him to do something about it. Beowulf however lives up to the challenge and ends up killing Grendels mother.

Triumph- The Triumph in the story is when Beowulf finally succeeds in killing Grendels mother and rids the Danes of the monsters for ever. It is then that he finally accomplishes what he ultimately sets out to do, to kill all the monsters and prove his bravery as a hero.

Flight- The flight takes place when Beowulf leaves the Danes and goes back to rule as king in his own land. Having accomplished his purpose and done all he can, there is nothing left for him to do and he leaves

Threshold Struggle-The threshold struggle is when Beowulf kills the dragon that is terrorizing his kingdom. It is the last heroic act that he is able to do for his people. Although he is fatally wounded in the process he is still able to both do a good deed for his people and win a great amount of treasure for them.

Elixir- The Elixir is both the riches that he wins for his people (All the treasures and riches that he wins over from the dragons hoard after he slays the beast) and also the great acts that he has done for his people, he has protected them and rid them of a dragon.

2) Archtypes- Hero-Gilgamesh is the obvious hero of this story. He is a strong and powerful leader who is not afraid of facing death for something that he believes in. When he and Enkidu go to kill Humbaba he stays strong and keeps his wits, even though he is facing a power much greater than himself. He is also very persistent. He refuses to give up his quest for immortality even when he is all alone and the journey is long and difficult. In addition to all of these qualities he is also very loyal. He is extremely loyal to Enkidu and goes to great lengths to try and bring him back from the dead. Even though it is not the best idea to temper with immortality, the thought behind his actions was good.

Antihero- I think that the antihero is also Gilgamesh. Although he does have many of the qualities of a hero, he also has many of the antihero. Once when he and Enkidu are on their way to kill Humbaba he loses his courage and is frightened. Luckily for him he had Enkidu there to keep things together and keep him from panicking until he has recovered. He also has a great pride. He has his people do great labor and work for o apparent reason and demands to sleep with brides before their husbands simply because it is his right as king. He also goes to kill Humbaba for no other reason than because he is more powerful than Gilgamesh and he has to show his superiority.

Wise Fool- Utnapishtim is the wise fool. He is regarded as stupid or ignorant by Gilgamesh because he does not prize his immortality, something that Gilgamesh strives for with great zeal. He thinks that he is a fool for taking something so great for granted, however Utnapishtim turns out to be very wise as he realizes that living forever is not in fact a gift at all but a burden.

Devil Figure- Ishtar is the most fitting devil figure. She seems to wreak havoc wherever she goes. Gilgamesh even says in part two that her love brings only war. When Gilgamesh refuses her marriage proposal she gets very angry and seeks revenge by asking her father to send down a drought in the form of a Bull of Heaven to kill Gilgamesh, and his people. Her evil side is shown again when she sends a flood to punish her people. The flood is extreme and has horrible, drastic effects. Even Ishtar realizes her mistake and that she was wrong to punish her people in such a way.

Outcast-Enkidu is the Outcast all throughout the book. At the beginning he is and outcast from humans because he is part animal part man. Frowned upon because he is not as good as a person. Then when the prostitute comes and sleeps with him and he is 'humanized' so to speak, his animal friends desert him. They are ashamed of him and he is then an outcast in the eyes of the animals, where he remains until his death.

Double-I think that the best choice for the double is Ishtar. She seems to have this great internal conflict throughout the book. It is almost as if she cannot decide whether or she wants to help, or hurt those around her. She decides to punish her people for their sins, but then realizes that she was wrong and that she was too harsh on her people. “Ishtar cried out like a woman at the height of labor: O how could I have wanted to do this to my people! They were hers, notice. Even her sorrow was possessive. Even though Ishtar obviously has a temper issue and could be considered evil, she still realizes her mistakes. She seems to act like an impulsive child. She lashes out in the heat of the moment when she gets angry, without pausing to consider the repercussions of her acts.

Scapegoat- The scapegoat is Enkidu. Either Gilgamesh or Enkidu must die as punishment for killing Humbles and the Bull of heaven. Enkidu is chosen to be the punished simply because Gilgamesh is part god and part man, thus excluding him from the wrath of the Gods. Since Enkidu is just half man and half animal, he is the obvious choice for the punishment. He is the offering that the gods take themselves to make up for the loss of the Bull and Humbaba.

Temptress- I think that the thing that best fits the temptress is immortality. It is seen as this beautiful, wondrous thing. Everyone is longing for it, yet it 'destroys those who obtain it. Utnapishtim was given immortality by the gods after he followed their command and build a boat that would last the flood that they sent out to wipe out the city of Shurrupak, because it's inhabitance were defying the Gods, trying to be equal to them by searching for immortality. Utnaishtim was the only man who did not seek for this forbidding trait, and so was in the end 'rewarded' with it. He didn't think of it as much of a reward because he knew the destructive repercussions that come with being immortal. As beautiful and tempting as the idea of immortality may seem, it will only bring about destruction and ill fortune.

The Good Mother- The good mother in the the story of Gilgamesh is, in my opinion, Siduri. Although Ninsun, Gilgamesh's actual birth mother, would have been another good choice, I think that Siduri fits the role a little bit better. Siduri is the barmaid who takes Gilgamesh in and consoles him after Enkidu dies. She gives him a place to stay and does every possible thing she can to make him feel better.

3) The Tragic Man (Hamlet)A belief in his own freedom- Hamlet definitely has a belief in his own freedom. He always has the necessary courage when it comes to making choices (such as that to kill his uncle and avenge his fathers death) and most definitely has the courage to face the outcomes. toward the end of the story when Hamlet really begins to become obsessed with his quest for revenge, it seems as if he doesn't even care what happens to him. All that matters in that particular moment is killing his uncle and following through with his promise to his father, to kill his uncle. He is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve this prize, and any consequences or repercussions that may follow, are worth it in the long run.

A Supreme Pride-Although I do not think that Hamlets pride is great or really even noteworthy, he still does have it. When Ophelia comes to him returning all the favors he gave her when they loved each other, he is hurt, and it is his pride that causes him to say that he never loved her in the first place. He even goes so far as to insult her and tell her that she should go live in a nunnery as she has no other purpose in life.

Capacity for Suffering- Hamlet suffers quite a bit throughout the play. Whether it be because of the actions of other people, his own actions, or the consequences that follow actions, Hamlet seems to suffer throughout just about the entire play. At the beginning he is miserable because he can't understand how his mother could re-marry so soon after her husbands death. Then after speaking to the ghost, he is still suffering, but for a different reason. He finds out that his uncle, his own family was the one who killed his father. It is this fact that motivates him to pursue his strive to avenge his fathers death by killing his uncle. These are not the only times throughout the text where Hamlet suffers, however. Far from it. When he must tell Ophelia that he never loved her and when he realizes that he can no longer see her it causes him to suffer quite a bit. Also at the end when his mother dies and he in turn begins to perish, it is once again his time to suffer. However it seems as if, to Hamlet, the suffering is worth it. He believes in what he is doing, and he believes that suffering for something you believe in is not all that horrible.

Commitment-Hamlet definitely has a sense of commitment. He is committed to his cause so much that he almost reaches the point of being obsessed. From the second he learns of his fathers murder and decides to avenge his death, he is committed. Nothing, no power of his uncle, nor begging of his mother can sway him from his pursuit of revenge.

Protest-Hamlet does have a vigorous protest. Throughout all his soliloquy he cries out saying that were it now his respect for God and the knowledge that he would go to Hell, he would kill himself. He curses the horrible situation he is in. Curses his mother for marrying his uncle so soon after his fathers death.

Transfiguration-Hamlet definitely undergoes a a transfiguration. At the beginning of the book he is suffering, but he is content with his suffering. He is upset that his father is dead and he can't believe that his mother would marry so soon after his fathers death. However when he hears about his fathers death, though it takes him a while, he eventually gets so committed to avenging his fathers death that he changes and becomes completely obsessed and goes to extremes to achieve his goal.
Impact- Hamlets impact comes when he is laying on the ground, about to die. It is in those last few seconds of life that he has a sort of ephiney. He is able to learn to forgive and also to accept his fate. With his dying breath he proclaims that all of the land should be given back to Fortinbras

4) Hero-The first hero that is noteworthy throughout all the books we read is Odysseus. Odysseus has many great qualities that strengthen him as a hero and as a leader. Three of these are his Perseverance, his Bravery and his Intelligence. The first quality that Odysseus possesses is his perseverance. When Odysseus is stuck on the island with Calypso, even though he is offered immortality, the love of a beautiful Goddess and all other manners of wonderful things, he still refuses the gifts and chooses instead to try and find his way back home to his lovely Penelope. It would have been much easier for him to give up and resign himself to the fact that he would ever see his wife or son ever again, however he doesn't and chooses instead to take the harder path and return once again to his home.
A second heroic quality that Odysseus possesses is his intelligence. He uses his brains and his wits numerous times throughout the book. One example would be when he comes up with a cunning plan to get he and his men out of the cyclops cave alive. By telling the beast that his name is nobody, he avoids having his identity discovered when he kills the cyclops as well.

The third heroic quality that Odysseus has is his bravery. Many times he is forced to face horrible beasts and monsters that would destroy any mortal man. However somehow Odysseus always seems to come out on top an deems to be able to handle just about any situation.

The second Character who I think has great Hero qualities is Antigone. A few of the qualities Antigone shows are Faithfulness, bravery, and integrity.

The first Hero quality that Antigone shows is her Faithfulness. Even when other people tell her to abandon her brother and to give up her hopes to give him a proper burial, she refuses and chooses instead to remain faithful to him.

A second Hero quality of Antigone is her Bravery. She bravely disobeys the law, even though she knows her actions will most likely result in her death because it is what she believes is the right thing to do. She doesn't try to hide her rebellion either. She boldly steps out in public and states that she doesn't agree with what the law tells her is right.

The third quality that Antigone possesses is her integrity. She is willing to stand up for what she believes, even when it may happen that she is standing alone. No matter what the consequences or what other people tell her, she will stand up for what she knows is right and do the right thing.

The third character who has great Hero qualities is Telemachus. Telemachus shows that he is a hero through Bravery, hope, and determination. Telemachus is Brave in many ways. It takes a great deal of courage for a young boy to decide to take matters in to his own hands and step in to his fathers shoes in order to get things done. Telemachus is not one to sit back and let others do the work. He boldly took responsibility and set out to find his father and bring order to his house once more.

The second quality Telemachus possesses is his hope. Even when everyone around his is telling him to give up and resign himself to the fact that his father is dead, he refuses. He instead holds out on his hope and even goes out in search of his father himself.

The last quality Telemachus possesses is determination. When searching for his father and trying to figure out a way to get rid of the suiters, Telemachus never gives up his determination.

5) Themes-The first theme that shows itself throughout the stories is Loyalty. Loyalty is shown most obviously in Antigone. Even when everyone around her tells her to abandon her brother and give up her hopes of giving him a proper burial, she refuses and chooses loyalty to her family over obedience to the rest of the word. Even when her own sister tells her that she is being foolish and that she should give up her hopes of giving her brother a proper burial, even when the law tells her that if she follows through she will be killed, she still remains faithful and loyal and buries her brother anyway. Loyalty is also shown in Gilgamesh. Enkidu is a great friend to Gilgamesh sand is always there for him no matter what the situation. He comforts him when he is frightened on their way to kill Humbaba and saves his life in the great Cedar forrest, giving up his own life in exchange. Enkidu could have easily walked away and saved his own life, however he doesn't and instead chooses to stay loyal to his friend and help him instead.

A second Theme is Fate. Fate is probably the most common throughout Oedipus the King. The basic story of Oedipus is of a man who tried to avoid his destiny. Fate is a theme because even though he tried to do what was right and tried to stop a horrible prophecy form coming true, however in the process he only succeeded in fulfilling it. In trying to avoid his destiny, he only caused it to happen. This is a story that shows that you cannot escape a predestined will and Fate is impossible to escape This theme is also evident in The Odyssey. Numerous times the narrator speaks about although he may lose all his men and go through many trials, it is Odysseus' fate to return home. When he is speaking to the dead the same thing is echoed. Tiresias tells him that he will in fact make it home safely to see his family once more. And as fate would have it, he does.

The last theme is Love. This theme could probably be shown throughout every book that we read. The most obvious though is Gilgamesh. Enkidu and Gilgamesh have a deep love for each other. Neither one of them would ever betray or abandon the other. The love runs so deeply in fact that Enkidu ends up giving his life for his friend. Gilgamesh in turn shows his love by searching far and wide following Enkidu's death to try and desperately find a way to bring him back to life. A second book where love is shown is in the Odyssey. Odysseus, though he is offered immortality and love from both Calypso and Circe, refuses it and chooses instead to try and find his way back home to his lovely Penelope. His love is so great that he faces many things, a Cyclops, the underworld and many other horrible things just to eventually get back to her once more.

Cycle of the Hero- Beowulf

Call to Adventure.- In Beowulf the call to adventure is rather obvious. It is when he is asked my the king of the Danes to come and rid them of their monster, Grendel. Beowulf, being the great and powerful hero that he is obliges and agrees to do every thing in his power to kill the beast.

Helpers- The most obvious helpers that Beowulf has are his men. His men stand by him through thick and thin, no matter what the situataion. Eve when they are going up against a great beast that is widly known for it's ability to destroy anything in it's path, they still stay by Beowulf's side. Another person who helps Beowulf later on in the story is Unferth. Unferth, though he doubted Beowulf in the begnning comes back to help him when he needs it. When Beowulf is going to try nd kill Grendels mother, Unferth gives him a sword that has been in his family for years, Hrunting. This gesture of kindness is displayed in hopes that he can help Beowulf acheive his goal of killing the monster.

Threshold to adventure- In my oppinion the Threshold to adventure is when Beowulf is challengd by Unferth and promises to stay all night in the mead hall. It is at this point in the story when Beowulf leaps headfirst n to the adventure and commits to 'tough it out' so to speak, no matter what happens.

Tests- There are two main tests that I think manifest themselves in Beowulf. The first is when Beowulf attacks and kills Grendel. It is then that Beowulf shows his true power and strength and starts to transform in to the hero that he becomes by the end of the story. A second Test that is shown in the story is when Grendels mother attacks Herot and kills many of the people. It seems as if in dong this she is taunting Beowulf, daring him to do something about it. Beowulf however lives up to the challenge and ends up killing Grendels mother.

Triumph- The Triumph in the story is when Beowulf finally suceeds in killing Grendels mother and rids the Danes of the monsters for ever. It is then that he finally accomplishes what he ultimatly sets out to do, to kill all the monsters and prove his bravery as a hero.

Flight- The flight takes place when Beowulf leaves the Danes and goes back to rule as king in his own land. Having accomplished his purpose and done all he can, there is nothing left for him to do and he leaves

Threshold Struggle-The threshold struggle is when Beowulf kills the dragon that is terrorizing his kingdom. It is the last heroic act that he is able to do for his people. Although he is fatally wounded in the process he is still able to both do a good deed for his people and win a great ammount of treasure for them.

Elixir- The Elixir is both the riches that he wins for his people (All the treasures and riches that he wins over from the dragons hoard after he slays the beast) and also the great acts that he has done for his people, he has protected them and rid them of a dragon.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Act 4

Gertrude tells cladius that she is very mad at Hamlet, and that he killed Polonius. Back in Elsinore Hamlet was finnishing disposing polonius's body. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ask Hamlet what he has done with the body, but he refuses to tell them. The King then meets with Hamlet to ask him about the body. Hamlet eventually tells him that the body is under the stairs near the castle lobby. After this Cladius orders Hamlet to ship to England. Later Gertrude and Horatio are discusing Ophelia. As she enters she seems to have gone mad from her fathers death. Laertes later enters who is extremely angry and wants to avenge his fathers death. Cladius encourages Laertes to kill Hamlet so it does not look like the king was invovled in any foul play. At the end of the act Gurtrude enters with news that Orphelia has drowened herself.

Act 5

Two gravediggers are shoveling a grave for Ophelia. Since her death looks like a suicide they argue whether Ophelia should be burried in the churchyard. Then Hamlet and Horatio enter and watch the grave being dug from a distance. Hamlet then asks the gravedigger whose grave he is digging. The gravedigger responds saying he is digging his own grave. He then tells hamlet, not realizing who hamlet was, that he has been a gravedigger since King Hamlet deafeted the elder Fortinbras.
Next enters the funeral prossession for ophelia. Laertes jumps into the grave and holds ophelia once more in his hands. Hamlet then declares his love for Ophelia and leaps into the grave and fights Laertes. They were then pulled apart with the help of the funeral mourners. The next day at Elsinore castle Hamlet is having a conversation with horatio. They are interrupted by Osric who tells Hamlet that Claudius wants Hamlet to fence with Laertes. Hamlet agrees to fight ignoring Horatios advice.
The fight begins and the king declares that if Hamlet wins the first or second hit he will drink to Hamlets health. Hamlet scores a couple of hits and Gertrude drinks to Hamlets health. But her drink is poisned. Laertes and Hamlet switch swords and Hamlet wounds Laertes with his own blade. Both the queen and laertes perish in this battle. In the last scene more and more people are killed and Hamlet finnaly kills Claudius.


Machiavellianism is basicly doing wahtever it takes in order to get ahead. This pertains to Hamlet because Claudious is willing to do wahtever it takes to gain the throne. He even goes so far as to kill his brother, the current King so that the throne goes to him.

Act 3

the spies of the king report their failure to find the cause of Hamelts madness so the king decides to take a different approach. He places Ophelia in a place where he can observe the two meeting At first he is very kind to her but then changes and becomes hostile following his exit it is decided that he is not mad because of love as they had origionally thought. Hamlet tells the actors waht to do for the play that night. They paly is to be a reinactment of sorts of the killing of king Hamelt. When the time comes there the king is killed by his brother Claudious stops the paly and rushes out. It is then decided that what the ghost said is true. Hamlet goes to talk to his mother when he hears something behind the curtain. He stabs it thinking it is the king. however it is only Polonius.

Act 2

in the first scene polonius is greeted by a very disturbed Ophelia who tells of a frightening encoumter with Hamlet. Polonuios is sure by now that Hamlet is completely crazy and rushes off to tell the king after forbidding Ophelia to see him.
The king has a few childhood friends of Hamlet's come to spy on him. they are sure he is amd because of love but the king is unconvinced so he decides to spy himself. Hamlet recognizes them as spies and does not let anyhting slip. He then sees a group of traveling actors who he hires to put on a show for him.

Act One

the paly begins with Benardo and fransisco standing their watch. Marcellus comes to see a ghost that has apparently been visiting the night watchmen. Hortio thinks that t is all in their imaginataion . they stay for a while and eventually the ghost does come. Hortio is convinced and decides they should go tell hamlet. The net scene begins with the king, hamlet, gertrude Polonious, and Ophelia. The king requests of Hamlet that he not return to school in Guttenburg and instead stay close to home. Hamlet agrees, though not happily. he then bitterly reflects about how soon after his fathers death his mother remarried. He is then greeted by Hortio and Benardo who tell him they hae seen his father. On the next scene Laertes bids his sister goodbye warning her to stay away from Hemlet while he is gone. She says that she will and he leaves. Then sh eis met by her father who echoes the same warning.
While claudous is away drinking, Hamlet goes to see the ghost of his father. The ghost beckons and he follows it and hears the story of his fathers murder. Hamlet tells his friends following being reunited and makes them swear to secrecy about all they have seen.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Key Characters

Beowulf- he is the hero of the story. a Geat who comes to Denmark to rid the people of a fericious beast. He also fights Grendals mother, and later on in his life, a dragon. he is the strongest ablest warrior around.

Hrothgar- He is the king of the danes, a great king who leads his people to prosperity. He is a wise and aged ruler.

Grendel- Grendel is a deamon, an ancestor of Cain he is the beast terrorizing Herot.

Grendels mother- she is an unnamed hag who posesses even ess human qualities than grendel himself.

Dragon- the dragon is a beast who gaurdes the treasure and is eventually killed by Beowulf.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Plot Overview

A monster, Grendal is terrorizing the Daneish inhabbitance of Herot. Whenever they sing and celebrate it causes the monster to kinda freak out and kill anyone he comes in contact with. Anyway, pretty soon king Hrothgar gets sick of all his men and women dying. Soon Belwulf comes along, proclaiming that he will save the day. Some doubt him but he is strong and brave so they give him a chance. He stays all night in the mead hall and when Grendal comes, he kills him, using no weapons or armour, only his natural strength. It seems like everything is better, right? Monster dead, no more proble. Wrong. Now Beowulf has Grendals mother to deal with Grendals mother. He kills her in her under water lair with a sword meant fr a giant. He also finds the head of Grendel which he cuts off and brings back to Hrothgar. There is great Celebration. Bewulf then returns back to Geatland where he rules as king until he s disturbed by a dragon, the gaurdian of treasure. Luckily, Beowulf is able to kill him as well, but not before revieving a wound to his neck. The wound is poisionous, and soon after killing the beast, beowulf begins to die. He has done a great deal for his kingdom though and dies honorably.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Beowulf- Key facts

Protaginist- Beowulf

Major Conflict- Grendals attack on the mead hall, Vengence of Grendals mother following his death. Rage of the dragon due to the loss of treasure.

Climax- Beowulfs encounter with Grendals mother.

Themes- importance of establishing identity, tensions between heroic code and other value systems, difference between a good warrior and a good king.

Motifs- Monsters, Mead hall, rings

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Hero-Gilgamesh is the obvious hero of this story. He is a strong and powerful leader who is not afraid of facing death for something that he believes in. When he and Enkidu go to kill Humbaba he stays strong and keeps his wits, even though he is facing a power much greater than himself. He is also very persistant. He refuses to give up his quest for immortality even when he is all alone and the journey is long and difficult. In addition to all of these qualities he is also very loyal. He is extremely loyal to Enkidu and goes to great lengths to try and bring him back from the dead. Even though it is not the best idea to temper with immortality, the thought behind his actions was good.

Antihero- I think that the antihero is also Gilgamesh. Although he does have many of the qualities of a hero, he also has many of the antihero. Once when he and Enkidu are on their way to kill Humbaba he loses his courage and is frightened. Luckily for him he had Enkidu there to keep things together and keep him from panicking until he has recovered. He also has a great pride. He has his people do great labor and work for o apparent reason and demands to sleep with brides before their husbands simply because it is his right as king. He also goes to kill Humbaba for no other reason than because he is more powerful than Gilgamesh and he has to show his superiority.

Wise Fool- Utnapishtim is the wise fool. He is regarded as stupid or ignorant by Gilgamesh because he does not prize his immortality, something that Gilgamesh strives for with great zeal. He thinks that he is a fool for taking something so great for granted, however Utnapishtim turns out to be very wise as he realizes that living forever is not in fact a gift at all but a burden.

Devil Figure- Ishtar is the most fitting devil figure. She seems to wreak havoc wherever she goes. Gilgaesh even says in part two that her love brings only war. When Gilgamesh refuses her marriage proposal she gets very angry and seeks revenge by asking her father to send down a drought in the form of a Bull of Heaven to kill Gilgamesh, and his people. Her evil side is shown again when she sends a flood to punish her people. The flood is extreme and has horrible, drastic effects. Even Ishtar realizes her mistake and that she was wrong to punish her people in such a way.

Outcast-Enkidu is the Outcast all throughout the book. At the beginning he is and outcast from humans because he is part animal part man. Frowned upon because he is not as good as a person. Then when the prostitute comes and sleeps with him and he is 'humanized' so to speak, his animal friends desert him. They are ashamed of him and he is then an outcast in the eyes of the animals, where he remains until his death.

Double-I think that the best choice for the double is Ishtar. She seems to have this great internal conflict throughout the book. It is almost as if she cannot decide whether or she wants to help, or hurt those around her. She decides to punish her people for their sins, but then realizes that she was wrong and that she was too harsh on her people. “Ishtar cried out like a woman at the height of labor: O how could I have wanted to do this to my people! They were hers, notice. Even her sorrow was posessive. Even though Ishtar obviously has a temper issue and could be considered evil, she still realizes her mistakes. She seems to act like an impulsive child. She lashes out in the heat of the moment when she gets angry, without pausing to consider the repercussions of her acts.

Scapegoat- The scapegoat is Enkidu. Either Gilgamesh or Enkidu must die as punishment for killing Humbaba and the Bull of heaven. Enkidu is chosen to be the punished simply because Gilgamesh is part god and part man, thus excluding him from the wrath of the Gods. Since Enkidu is just half man and half animal, he is the obvious choice for the punishment. He is the offering that the gods take themselves to make up for the loss of the Bull and Humbaba.

Temptress- I think that the thing that best fits the temptress is immortality. It is seen as this beautiful, wonderous thing. Everyone is longing for it, yet it 'destroys those who obtain it. Utnapishtim was given immortality by the gods after he followed their command and build a boat that would last the flood that they sent out to wipe out the city of Shurrupak, because it's inhabitance were defying the Gods, trying to be equal to them by searching for immortality. Utnaishtim was the only man who did not seek for this forbiddion trait, and so was in the end 'rewarded' with it. He didn't think of it as much of a reward because he knew the destructive repercussions that come with being immortal. When he is speaking to Gilgamesh about immortality and mortality he says, “I envy your freedom.” (page 80) As beautiful and tempting as the idea of immortality may seem, it will only bring about destruction and ill fortune.

The Good Mother- The good mother in the the story of Gilgamesh is, in my oppinion, Siduri. Although Ninsun, Gilgamesh's actual birth mother, would have been another good choice, I think that Siduri fits the role a little bit better. Siduri is the barmaid who takes Gilgamesh in and consols him after Enkidu dies. She gives him a place to stay and does every possible thing she can to make him feel better. The book says, “Then she took pity on him and let him enter and lie down and rest. She gave him her bed to fall into and sleep and rubbed his back and neck and legs and arms.” (Page 63)

Gilgamesh-Part Four

Part 4-Finally Gilgamesh recognizes his loss and returns to Uruk. He feared that his people would not share his sorrow. When he enters the city he asks a man if he has ever heard the name Enkidu. When the man has not Gilgamesh is shocked. Then he looks at the walls that his people have built. Those that he intended to keep them safe and all that he has accomplished. And for just a moment, nothing else matters but the greatness that he has done.

Gilgamesh- Part Three

Part 3- This is the part of the book where Gilgamesh mourns the lost of his friend and starts off in his search for immortality. He wanders through the desert and clothes himself in the skins of animals. Then he comes to Siduri a barmaid who takes him in and takes care of him while he is mourning the loss of his friend. She encourages him to move on and stop mourning Enkidu. However Gilgamesh refuses and askes her if she knows where to find immortality. Grudgingly she complies and tells him of the ferrier Urshanabi. Gilgamesh goes and its taken to Utnapishtim, a man who is immortal because he survived a flood sent down by the Gods. The man tries to tell Gilgamesh that immortality is not a gift but a burden, but he will hear nthing of it. He tells him where he can find a palnt that grows on the bottom of the river and has throns like a rose. Gilgamesh goes and finds it and is overcome with joy. He lays down on the bank where he falls asleep. Unfortunatly while he is asleep a snake comes and eats the plant. Leaving Gilgamesh Weeping on the shore.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Gilgamesh Part Two

Gilgamesh and Enkidu decide to go kill the great Humbaba, the gaurdian of the Cedars to prove that they are more powerful and superior to him. Enkidu is scared but masks his fear to give Gigamesh strength. They set off, and after three days, reach the forrest. Suddenly it isn't Enkido who is afraid, but Gilgamesh. Enkidu touches a gate and his hand it instantly wounded, turned numb. Tjey rest for the night and Gilgamesh has a strange dream, which he retells to Enkidu who interperates as meaning that only one of them (Gilgamesh) will survive the fight against Humbaba. The next morning they awake and Gilgamesh begins to cut down a tree with his sword. Aroused by the fact that someone was disturbing his forrest, Humbaba comes to punish the perpatraitor. Humbaba comes and strikes EnkiSarah Day: Enkidu on the back, wounding him badly. Gilgamesh is stunned, unable to do anyhting about it untilhe sees that Enkidu is in desperate need of his help. He then snaps out of his daze and goes to help his friend. Eventually they kill Humbaba. Then Ishtar comes and tries to seduce Gilgamesh. He refuses though and insults her saying that he love brings only war. Ishtar is angry andasks her father to send down a bull of heaven to punish them. The bull is sent and attackes the two. Enkidu grabs the bull by it's horns and kills it. Ishtar is very upset that the punishment did not work, so she shouts intulst at them. Enkidu rips off leg leg of the bull and throws it at ishtar who takes refuge with her prostitutes. That night Enkidu's condition worsens. One of the two must die as puniSarah Day: punished. Gilgamesh consols and tries to help his friend, but sadly, in the end, he dies.

Gilgamesh - Part one

In part one we are introduced to Gilgamesh, the king of a city called Uruk which sits between the Tirgis and Euphrates river. Gilgamesh is part God, and part man . We also learn about Enkidu, part man part animal. He was bonr on a steppe where he grew up among animals.
Gilgamesh is a tyrant king to his people. He demands his right to deflowed all the brides and works his people half to death, without giving a reason for their labour.
Enkidu is ignorant and Innocent, he ran with the naimals and drank with them. He knew nothing of fear or intelegence & released animals from the traps set by hunters. One a day a hunters son saw Enkidu releasing an antilope from a trap, the boy oculdn't figure out what the thing was as it was hairy like an animal yes wrked like a man. When he freed the gazel he ran beside it, seeming to be a friend f the animals. When the hunters son told his father what he had seen, it angered and scared him. He ordered his son to go to Uruk and tell Gilgamesh to see a prostitute so that he will be humanized and the animals will be ashamed of him. He knows that Gilgamesh will comply becuase he is king. The son obeyed his father and told Gilgamesh what he had seen. Giving great detail about how the creature had worked with great swiftness. Gilgamesh listens but is uninterested as he has heard many stories. He sends the prostitute and then forgets what he heard. The prostitute is left a thte spring to wait for Enkidu. When he sees her, she is unlike anyhting he has ever seen before. When Enkidu wakes up after sleeping with the prostitute, he is exausted, and feels as if life had left his body. His friends have all left him and he is all alone. One day he awakes and the prostitute tells him that she will take him to Uruk to meet Gilgamesh and becme a man. All the hair is shaved from his body an dhe is given clothes. When he arrives, the people treat his as the equal of their king. When Gilgamesh sees Enkidu, and hears peope cheering for someone other than him, he lunges at Enkidu. They fight and wrestle in the streets. When they stop they look at each other and see themselves in each others eyes. They they laugh and embrace as companions.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Quest for Immortality

Take death for example. A great deal of our effort goes into avoiding it. We make extraordinary efforts to delay it and often consider its intrusion a tragic event. Yet we’d find it hard to live without it. Death gives meaning to our lives. It gives importance and value to time. Time would become meaningless if there were too much of it. If death were indefinitely put off, the human psyche would end up, well, like the gambler in the “Twilight Zone” episode.
— Ray Kurzweil, In Death

<---The picture to the right is nelson's Quest for immortality, and suggests man's quest to live forever.

A website from the Immortality Institute had an article giving people five simple steps that should, if performed correctly, allow a person to live forever.
1) Eat a healthy diet
2)Lead an active life
3)Taking Supplements
Rejuvenation therapies
Cryonics (or freezing yourself while in good health so that you may someday be 'thawed' and brought back to life in a later time.)

“To desire immortality is to desire the eternal perpetuation of a great mistake”

-Arthur Schopenhauer

In short I think that people still long for immortality for one of three reasons, one is that they have a profound fear of death, and what is to come when life ends. Or they feel they have not accomplished enough or reached their full potential in life and think that if they are given more time, they will somehow accomplish what they set out to do. A third reason people could want to find immortality is simply because they can. For the scientific curiousity of wondering if it is i fact possible to live forever. In Gilgamesh's case, he seeks immortality becasue his greatest friend, Enkidu is dead and he wants to find a way to bring him back to life.
Some people believe that this is a very accomplishable goal, one that will probably never happen in my lifetime but in the next 1,000 years. Personally I think that the idea itself is completely absurd and it will never happen.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Tragic Man

A belief in his own freedom-
Oedipus has a strong belief in his own freedom. He believes that he has the freedom and power to escape the fate that has been set down by the Gods and create his own destiny. Little does he know that in trying to escape the prophecy, he fufills it. Yet even then he takes responsibility for his own actions and follows through with his own punishment.

Pride- Oedipus has a strong Pride too. He thinks that he is great enough and smart enough to escape the prophecy (which he isn't) He tries to play the part of the hero all the times, and attempts to do good whenever it is possible. He pretty much tries to be perfect, which is impossible. He also has great pride when Tiresias accuses him of being the one who is cursing the land. When Tiresias asks him if truth has any power to save, Oedipus gets angry and prideful, acting a bit childish when he says, "It does- but not for you; no, not for you, shameless and brainless, sightless, senseless sot." He even goes as far as to say that perhaps Tiersias is actually the one who committed the crime and he is just blaming Oedipus to cover it up.

Sense of Commitment- Oedipus has a sense of commitment in that even when he finds out that he is in fact the murderer that he has been searching for, he still follows through with his original ruling and punishes himself to the full extent of the sentence, if not more. He refuses to soften the blow of the punishment just because he is punishing himself and not another person. It is easy to sentence and follow through with the discipline of another person, but it takes a great amount of commitment and courage to give the same punishment to yourself. He also has a sense of commitment early on in the story when he is trying to find the murderer. Even when people tell him that he doesn't want to know the answer and that he will be much better off if he abandons his search, he still continues to pursue his goal, keeping true to the promise he gave to his people.

Vigerous Protest- The vigerous protest is shown when Oedipus is first accused of being the offender. He gets angry at Tiersias and tells him that there is no possible way that he could be the person who killed Lauis. Oedipus can't believe that the prophet would even dare to consider blaming him.

Transfiguration- Oedipus is very different at the end of the book than he is at the beginning. At the beginning he is this high and mighty king. He can solve any problem, conquer any feat. He is invincable. Yet by the end he realizes that he is no better than any common man. He tried and he failed, he made mistakes just like any other person. He realizes that he cant do anything, and that he can't be perfect. He is wrong, and is worthy of punishment just like any other person. If Oedipus had done nothing, not tried to play the part of a hero, not tried to create his own fate, and not tried to make everything perfect, things would have ended up fine. He wouldn't have killed his father and he wouldn't have married his mother. But then he would never have learned anything. In making his mistakes, he learned, and it changed him. That is where the transfigurataion takes place.

Impact- The impact comes from the transfiguration. He realizes that he is simply a man. He isn't some great hero who can conquer anything, and he can't escape from his predestined fate. He is just a person like any one of us and has to learn from his mistakes, and suffer the consequences just like any normal person.


What is the meaning of "Despair" and how does this theme manifest itself in both plays?

Despair is to be without hope or give Despair seems to be a constant theme all throughout both plays. There is the despair when Oedipus' parents find out that their son is destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Valuing their lives, they have no other choice than to leave him to die. There is also the despair when Oedipus finds out that despite his attempts to change it, the prophecy has come true and he has commited a great sin. Then the despair is taken further when his mother/wife kills herself, he gouges out his eyes and banishes himself from the kingdom. But the despair does not end there. Antigone must despair when she knows that she must either do what she feels is right, and pay for it with her life, or simply do nothing and feel like a coward. Then, following her death it is Haemon's turn to despair when Antigone, the one he loves kills herself. Finally Creon and his wife must despair when their son dies. Creon rightly blames himself for the disaster and is left praying and begging for death.

Consciencious Objection

What is "conscientious objection"?In what ways does Antigone demonstrate conscientious objection?In your opinion, did she do the right thing? Explain your view in terms of how 21st Century citizens might view her actions.

Conscioncious objection is going against the law in order to do what you believe is right. Antigone displays this when she buries the body of her brother even though Creon forbids it. In my oppinion she definitly did the right thing. And I think that 21st century citizens would interprate her actions the same way. Standing up for what you believe even when you are told it is wrong and that you will be punished for it is in no way the act of a criminal. It is if anything the act of a hero. Of course this does not mean that it is acceptable for people to go about breaking the law whenever they please and justifying it by saying that it goes against what they believe personally. In Antigone's case however, there was a clear justification for her actions.

Ignorance vs. Guilt

Question: If a person does not know, is that person still guilty of grievous crime?
Consider the plight of Oedipus and a modern day example.What would you do if you were on the jury at the Oedipus trial? What would you do if you were on the jury in a modern day trial?What would cause you to vote one way or another? Values? Beliefs? Evidence? Society Norms? Other information?

Answer: In my oppinion, ignorance is under no circumstances an excuse. A lack of knowing the rules will never exclude you from the consequences. For example, say there is a child who has no idea the dangers of water. If that child falls in to water, he will still drown. The fact that he didn't know has no significance in his judgement. The same rule applies to all of us, in every aspect of life. If you commit a crime, and are unaware of it you have still comitted a crime. You do not have to be cognizant to be guilty of something. Being guilty simply means that you have in fact done something wrong. If you are unaware that your action was in fact wrong are you still guilty? Yes, I believe you are. One modern day example that I can think of is when my friend, Zoe Johans, was dissqualified from running in the state cross country meet. Zoe was preparing for the meet and was practicing extra hard each day. One day her dad took her down to the course where the meet was going to be held and let her run there so that she could get a feel for it and would know waht to expect when she actually had to run there. Unfortunatly, it is against the rules to run on a state course prior to the meet. Zoe didn't know this rule, she didn't know that she was cheating, yet she was still punished and was dissqalified from running in the meet. The same thing is evident in the story. Oedipus didn't realize that the man he killed on the side of the road was his father. He didn't realize that he had married his mother. If anyhting he spent his entire life trying to do good and trying to prevent the prophecy from coming true. However when the truth came out and he learned that it was in fact him who had comitted the crime, he was punished all the same, because he was still guilty. If I was on the trial of Oedipus, I would have him go through all the necessary punishment. Even if he didn't realize it, he was still guilty of the crime and thus worthy of punishment. However in his case the punishment was self inflicted, so I dont think that additional punishment is necessary. He was jsut in his origional ruling that whoever the murder was would be punished. He did not change this law, (even though he could have being the king) just because he found out that he would be the person to be punished. "Is not this instruction already plain? the parricide, The unclean one was to die; and here he stands" (65) I don't think my ruling would change if it was a modern day trial or a trial early in history. Guilt=punishment, whenever and wherever you live. my personal oppinions and beliefs are what would cause me to vote in such a way. In conclusion, pleading ignorance is not an adequate excuse for doing wrong.


This book begins with the reader finding out that Antigone is all grown up and her brothers have died, each killed by the other. One of her brothers is lying in the street dead. He has not been given a proper burial and a law has been passed that says that anyone who tries to bury him, will be killed. Antigone however does not agree with this law. She asks Ismene, her sister, if she will help her bury their brothers body. Ismene however is scared, and refuses saying that it is not worth the consequences. Antigone dissagrees, she believes that the law has no right to tell her that she cannot bury a loved one if she desires to do so. She says, "Is he not my brother, and yours, whether you like it or not? I shall never desert him, never. . . He (Creon) has no right to keep me from my own." Ismene pleads with her sister, asking her to abandon her thoughts of dissobeying the law, and when that doesn't work asking her to at least do it under cover and keep it a secret. But Antigone refuses she wants people to know that she is speaking out against the absurd law, and doesn't care about the consequences. Antigone then leaves to go bury the body.
When Creon finds out that someone has dared to dissobey his commandment he is outraged. He tells the sentry who brought him te news that he had better find out who the culprit is, or else he will pay with it with his own life. The sentry tells him that finding a culprit will be nearly impossible as there were no footprints, no marks nothing to suggest that anyone was even there. However Creon insists and the sentry leaves t carry out his duty.
A group of gaurds un cover the body and sit on a nearby hill waiting. Soon Antigone comes, carrying a jar of dirt and begins to pour it on her brother, making no attempt to hide the fact that she is doing so. The gaurds promptly arrest her and bring her to Creon. Creon is astonished and asks her if she knew of the law. She replies that she did but it didn't matter to her because she believed it was wrong. "That order did not come from God.Justice that dwells with the Gods below , knows no such law. I did not think your edicts strong enough to overrule the unwrittian unalterable laws...I knew that I should die of course with or without your order. If it be soon so much the betterLiving in daily torment as do I, who would not be glad to die." (138) Anigone askes Creon if her punishment will be any worse than death and he replies that it won't. Ismene then tries to join in her sisters punishment wanting to be killed as well but Antigone wll have none of it. She says that since she had nothing to do with the crime she shall have nothing to do with the punishment either. Creon decides that Ismene will not die but Antigone will die slowly and painfully. She will be locked away in a tomb until she dies. As she is being taken away she speaks about the situation. She justifies her acts in saying that f ot had been someone whom she could have replaced such as a husband or son she would not have dissobeyed the law. However this was her brother and both her parents were dead so he could not have been replaced. She is put into her tomb and laft. Meanwhile Haemon (promised in marriage to Antigone) tries to reason with his father. He says that all the people of Thebes think that Antigone is a hero if anyhting, not a criminal. But Haemon acts childish saying that he is the king and he doesn't take orders from his people. He does things his way. Haemon points out that this is a childish thing to say but Creon doesn't care. Haemon gets angry and leaves, but not before saying that He'll never see Antigone die and that his father will never see him again.
Tiresias is then led in by a boy. Creon asks him for advice and he tells him that if he follows through with Antigones punishment, the Gods will curse him. Tiresias then leaves a very shaken up creon. The chorus is also very worried about what will happen, so Creon decids to do what the people want him to do, and decides to let Antigone free. However we soon find out that Antigone has hung herself with the cloth of her dress, and Haemon, is heard wailing in sorrow by Creon, who has gone to rebury Polynices. creon goes to see waht is the matter and Finds Haemon with Antigones dead body. He trys to kill Creon but he runs away and Haemon runss himself through with the sword. When Haemons mother hears the news she returns quietly back to the palace and kills herself as well. A messenger tells Creon that Euradice (haemons mother) blamed Creon for everything. Creon then Prays and Begs for death.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


The book begins with the peple of Thebes begging Oedipus for help finding out who has caused the drought that is causing the land to wither and who killer their former king. "Now Oedipus , great and glorious, we seek your help again" (26) They say that because he was able to help them once when he first came to Thebes and became King, that he must be able to help them again. Oedipus is a very kind and generous king and says "I would willingly do anything to help you." (26) Oedipus promises that he will do anything that he can to find the culprit and make sure that he is punished approprietly. He also asks his people if any of them know anything about the murder of Laius, saying that if anyone steps up and admits to the crime, that their punishment will be less severe.
Oedipus then leaves and speaks with a blind prophet (theme- the blind that see. He is a prophet blind to the world yet he can see things no one else can)who refuses to tell him anything, saying that he will not like what he has to say. Finally Oedipus comands him to tell him and Tiresias submits telling him, "Upon your head is the curse your lips have are the cursed pollutor of this land." (35) Oedipus is outraged, he cant believe that the prophet dares to bame him. Later he explains his accusation, "You are living in sinful union with th eone you love, living in ignorance of your own undoing." (36) Oedipus is shocked but decided to pursue the matter further, asking Jocasta what she know of the situataion. she tells him that an oracle was given to her late husband (Laius) from the ministers saying that he should die by the hand of his own son. It was predicted that he would unknowingly kill his father and marry his mother. To avoid this Jocasta and her husbend sent their son (Oedipus) away to die, hoping that they could keep the curse from cming true. However a kind shepherd found the baby and gave him a nice home. Oedipus grew up with this family, never knowing that they were not actually his parents. When he was older and heard about the curse he tried to prevent it by leaving and getting as far away as he could from his 'home'. In doing so he came across a man in a carriage led by gaurds. There was an offence between Oedipus and the gaurds and a brawl borke out in which Oedipus killed the man (His father, Laius). Later his journeys bring him to Thebes, where he saves the people from a sphinx. To show their gratitude they ask Oedipus to be their king, to which he accepts. He then marries Jocasta, (his mother) and proceeds to reign as king until the trouble with the famine comes about.
After all this is revealed and Jocasta hears the news, she promptly kills herslef, hanging herself in she and Oedipus' bedroom. When Oedipus finds his wife and mother dead he takes the brooches from her dress and repeatedly stabs them in to his eyes, blinding himself. Oedipus is misserable, sorrowful and disgusted with himself. He begs Creon, his sucessor to banish him from the kingdom, and crys to his world of his sins, as if he wants all of thebes to know what he has done. Creon feels sorry for Oedipus and allows him to 'see' his daughters, Antigone and Isemene one alst time before he (at Oedipus' wish) sends him away.

Introduction-Oedipus the King

-Dramatic Irony- Dramatic Irony is a huge part of the story. The reader learns in the Introduction that Oedipus' prophocy (that he will kill his father and Marry his mother) has been fufilled. Yet he continues to live in ignorant bliss, not knowing that he himself is the person that is causing his land to suffer.
Another thing that is adressed in the introduction is the difference between free will and fate. Oedipus believes that he can escape the prophecy and make his own fate rather than following that of the Gods'. Yet in trying to do this, his plan backfires and he ends up (unknowingly) doing exactly what he was trying to avoid.

The Odyssey book 23 notes

Penelope doesn't believe tha tit is really him at first because she had been without him for so long and she thought the gods were playing a trick on her. I also agree with Heidi in that it's almost like the little girl who cried wolf. She had been hearing fabricated stories about her husbend for so long that when he actually was there standing before her it was almost too much for her so take in. She finally realizes that it is in fact him when he begins to talk about his bed and how he made it.

Odyssey book 22 notes

This book is extreamly graphic and gory!
Of course I expected Odysseus and Telemachus to kill the suiters never did I think it would be in such a barbaric way. First they kill all the suiters, with arrows and spears, then they make all the maids who betrayed penelope come down and clean up all the bodies, piling them up outside. After that the maids are brought outside and hung with one giant noose. Then Milanthius is brought in and gets his ears, nose, genitals, hands and feet cut off and is then left to die. At the end of this chapter, I thought of Odysseus and Telemachus in a whle new way. They were so merciless in their killing (even though the suiters and maids deserved it) I defintily didn't see it coming

The Odyssey book 21 notes

It seems as if women are objectified, and seemed unimportant. It seems as if while men are allowed to 'sleep around' so to speak women are expected to be faithful 100%. There is also the part of the book where Calypso protests against Zeus' order to release Odysseus, saying that it isn't fair that male gods get to have mortal lovers while female gods have to be lonely. this also makes it seem like women are not seen as equal to men. They seem to be objects, valued only when it is convenient.

In book 21 Penelope is beginning to lose her strength and hope that Odysseus will keep his promise and return. She has waited so long that her faith is wearing thin, and even says that she will marry anyone who can string odysseus' bow and shoot an arrow through 12 axes.

I think that amny characters (saving the suiters) are very loyal to odysseus. Emmaues heaps praises upon his former master, and everyone seems to be longing for him to come home. It seems like he was very good to all his people, so I understand why they are faithful.

The Odyssey book 19 notes

Odysseus tells Penelope his tale to give her hope. Penelope has been through a lot, and even though she stays faithful to her husband, she is beginning to lose faith in his promise that he would return. In telling her the story he is trying to help her keep her hope for a little bit longer.
Ereclyia plays an important role in that she realizes who Odysseus is when she sees the scar on his foot. It seems like she is a 'nanny' figure to Odysseus (or at least she was before he left) and a sort of 'helper' to Penelope while her husbend is away.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Odyssey- books 14 and 15

This book is about when Odysseus comes back and visits Emmuaus disguised as an old begger. Eummeaus is a very kind and hospitable man. He takes Odysseus in and goes over the top to make sure he is comfortable, even though he has no idea who he is. Also Emmaeus has nothing but good to say about his days with Odysseus as his master. This implies that Odysseus was a very good master, and treated his men well. When Odysseus tells him about his belief that his master (odysseus) is stil alive, He refusess to hear any of it, saying that he has seen to many men making up stories about Odysseus to get some sort of compensation from Penelope in exchange for their news. Odyeesus tells him a tale about his travels and the places and sites he has seen

The Odyssey book 11 notes

this is the book where Odysseus follows the orders of Circe and performs a ritual to reach the dead to do this he first digs a hole "About a cubit either way- and round it's edges [Odyseus] poured an offering to all the dead." This offering consisted of first a honey and milk mixture, then wine and thirdly water. Then over the top of it all he pours barley meal. Having completed that much he then promises to sacrifice his best heifer when he gets home to Ithica. Then he finds the best black sheep from the flock and cut it's throat, letting the blood spill into the pit.
He then gets the opportunity to speak to the dead. one person that he talks to is Elpinor. Elpinore is the young man who got drunk, fell off the roof of Circe's house, broke his neck and promptly died. He begs Odysseus to return and burn his body in his armor so that his soul may have peace.
another person he talks to is his mother. She tells him how she died of greif after he left and updates him on the goings on of his house, tells him that Penelope is waiting for him to return and that he will be king once again when he gets home.
A last person who Odysseus speaks to is Tiresian the Thebian. He promises Odysseus that he will return home safely if he does no touch the sun god's animals alone (which he doesn't) when he gets to Thrinacia. He tells him that if he doesn't he will not make it home without enduring more grief and the loss of more men. Finally Odysseus becomes overwhelmed by all the dead asking him questions, that he becomes frightened and runs away.

The Odyssey- book 9 & 10 notes

This is the book where Odysseus tells his story to the Pheacians. he tells how the winds took his men Ismarus, where they conquered the ciconians. His men then got greedy and stayed in tha land, taking heir fill of wine, women and animals until the Ciconians got fed up and attacked Odyssseus and his men. They finally escape, losing 6 men from each ship.
Then a storm (sent by zeus) carries them along for nine days, before bringing them to the land of the lotus eaters. Natives give Odysses and his men lotus flowers, trying to be hospitable. But the flowers cause the men to become delerious, and wish for nothing more than t stay there and eat more flowers. Odysseus has to drag his men back to the ship and lock them there to get them to continue on the journey. When Odysseus come to the land of the cyclops', they find a cave laden with food. Not thinking about who lives there they take their fill. When the cyclops returns he is hospitable, but quickly turns hostile, devours two men and locks the rest up. Knowing that they need the Cyclops to open the huge door they devise a plan.
They put a log in the fire, get the cyclops drunk and stab the hot stake in to his eye, blinding him. then hiding under the bellies of sheep they escape, as the cyclops cannot see them.
Odysseus and his men escape, but not before Odysseus has the last word and yells his name to the cyclops as they sail away.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Odessy-Book 5 notes

All the Gods (except Posieden) are gathered on mount Olympus deciding Odysseus' fate. They decide that he should be let go and allowed to go home. Hermes (a messanger) is sent to Calypso's island to tell her to let him go, but she sends back a reply saying that she is sick of the male Gods' double standards, and that if they are allowed to have mortal lovers, why can't she? However in the end she submits to Zeus and lets Odysseus go, helping him build a raft and giving him supplies before he leaves.After 18 days at sea Odysseus spots Scheria, however Posieden see's him and is not happy (at the time we think that it is because he is angry that the other Gods did not consult him before helping himbut we later find out that it is also because he wants revenge for his son, the cyclops) Anyway, Posieden stirs up a huge storm, but Ino, a sea goddess and Athena help Odysseus and keep him safe from Posieden's wrath. After three days, he comes to an island, but cannot get on to shore for fear of being crushed by rocks, finally though he swims around and find the mouth of a river that he swims up, throwing off Ino's protective veil and going to sleep in the comfort of leaves.

The Odyssey- Book 2 notes

The book begins with Telemachus rising and getting ready for the day. He seems to have a very distinguished Aura about him, and is followed by two hounds. Page 12 says "and marvelous was the grace that Athena cast about him" He has the heralds summon an assembly for the elders of the Greeks, and sits down in his fathers chair, stepping in to his shoes. Aegyptius, and old man who "knows a thousand things" is the first to speak and praises Telemachus for calling an assembly as it is the first time one has been called since Odysseus left.
Telemachus has called the assembly to ask the elders for their help. He says "Much has gone to waste, for there is no man fit like Odysseus to keep damage from our doors."
He beings a long speech pleading with the elders, saying that the suiters pursue courtship fruitlessly day in and day out while any decent man would simply go to her fathers house and ask for her hand in marriage. Antinous also says that he thinks it is Penelopes fault becuase she seems to seduce the suiters. He brings u the amtter of her weaving and unweaving the burial shroud for her father in alw and says that if she is not fit to make a decision for herslef then she should be sent to her father and he can make the decision for her. But Telemachus refuses to throw his mother out and calls upon the Gods to punish the suiters. The discussion is then interupted by two eagles flying overhead locked in combat. This is interpereted as the immenent return of Odysseus and the massacre of the suiters if they do not leave.
Athena visits again as Mentor, another close friend of Odysseus' and tells Telemachus that his journey will be fruitful. The chapter then ends with Athena disguising as elemachus himslef and going to find him a crew for his voyage.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Odyssey- Book 1 Notes

The book begins with the narrator calling upon the help of the Muse for help as he tells the story of Odysseus. Odysseus is a hero of the Trojan war, he has traveled to many places, conquered cities, and seen many things. But after all of the other survivors are home at peace, he is stuck out at sea on an island. He has been taken captive by the sea nymph Calypso who wants him as her husband.
In another place, Posieden is feasting with the Eithiopians while the rest of the Gods are gathered in the halls of Zeus. They are conversing about the murder of a man by the name of Aegisthus when Athena bring sup the topic of Odysseus. Zeus sends Athena (his daughter) as a messenger to appear to Telemachus (Odyssess' son) and encourage him to go find his father. Telemachus agrees but sees through the strangers disguize and realized that he is a God or Goddess. Telemachus then comes across his mother in the suiters quarters upset about a song that is being sung. The Bard is singing about the troubles and hardships that the soldiers faced on their way homes from Troy. Telemachus then chastices his mother, telling her to leave to her own chambers if the music is bothering her. The book ends with Eurcyla helping Telemachus get ready for bed while he ponders his upcoming journey.