Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Odessy-Book 5 notes

All the Gods (except Posieden) are gathered on mount Olympus deciding Odysseus' fate. They decide that he should be let go and allowed to go home. Hermes (a messanger) is sent to Calypso's island to tell her to let him go, but she sends back a reply saying that she is sick of the male Gods' double standards, and that if they are allowed to have mortal lovers, why can't she? However in the end she submits to Zeus and lets Odysseus go, helping him build a raft and giving him supplies before he leaves.After 18 days at sea Odysseus spots Scheria, however Posieden see's him and is not happy (at the time we think that it is because he is angry that the other Gods did not consult him before helping himbut we later find out that it is also because he wants revenge for his son, the cyclops) Anyway, Posieden stirs up a huge storm, but Ino, a sea goddess and Athena help Odysseus and keep him safe from Posieden's wrath. After three days, he comes to an island, but cannot get on to shore for fear of being crushed by rocks, finally though he swims around and find the mouth of a river that he swims up, throwing off Ino's protective veil and going to sleep in the comfort of leaves.

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