Sunday, September 27, 2009

Consciencious Objection

What is "conscientious objection"?In what ways does Antigone demonstrate conscientious objection?In your opinion, did she do the right thing? Explain your view in terms of how 21st Century citizens might view her actions.

Conscioncious objection is going against the law in order to do what you believe is right. Antigone displays this when she buries the body of her brother even though Creon forbids it. In my oppinion she definitly did the right thing. And I think that 21st century citizens would interprate her actions the same way. Standing up for what you believe even when you are told it is wrong and that you will be punished for it is in no way the act of a criminal. It is if anything the act of a hero. Of course this does not mean that it is acceptable for people to go about breaking the law whenever they please and justifying it by saying that it goes against what they believe personally. In Antigone's case however, there was a clear justification for her actions.

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