Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Gilgamesh- Part Three

Part 3- This is the part of the book where Gilgamesh mourns the lost of his friend and starts off in his search for immortality. He wanders through the desert and clothes himself in the skins of animals. Then he comes to Siduri a barmaid who takes him in and takes care of him while he is mourning the loss of his friend. She encourages him to move on and stop mourning Enkidu. However Gilgamesh refuses and askes her if she knows where to find immortality. Grudgingly she complies and tells him of the ferrier Urshanabi. Gilgamesh goes and its taken to Utnapishtim, a man who is immortal because he survived a flood sent down by the Gods. The man tries to tell Gilgamesh that immortality is not a gift but a burden, but he will hear nthing of it. He tells him where he can find a palnt that grows on the bottom of the river and has throns like a rose. Gilgamesh goes and finds it and is overcome with joy. He lays down on the bank where he falls asleep. Unfortunatly while he is asleep a snake comes and eats the plant. Leaving Gilgamesh Weeping on the shore.

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