Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Odyssey- Book 1 Notes

The book begins with the narrator calling upon the help of the Muse for help as he tells the story of Odysseus. Odysseus is a hero of the Trojan war, he has traveled to many places, conquered cities, and seen many things. But after all of the other survivors are home at peace, he is stuck out at sea on an island. He has been taken captive by the sea nymph Calypso who wants him as her husband.
In another place, Posieden is feasting with the Eithiopians while the rest of the Gods are gathered in the halls of Zeus. They are conversing about the murder of a man by the name of Aegisthus when Athena bring sup the topic of Odysseus. Zeus sends Athena (his daughter) as a messenger to appear to Telemachus (Odyssess' son) and encourage him to go find his father. Telemachus agrees but sees through the strangers disguize and realized that he is a God or Goddess. Telemachus then comes across his mother in the suiters quarters upset about a song that is being sung. The Bard is singing about the troubles and hardships that the soldiers faced on their way homes from Troy. Telemachus then chastices his mother, telling her to leave to her own chambers if the music is bothering her. The book ends with Eurcyla helping Telemachus get ready for bed while he ponders his upcoming journey.

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