Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Act One

the paly begins with Benardo and fransisco standing their watch. Marcellus comes to see a ghost that has apparently been visiting the night watchmen. Hortio thinks that t is all in their imaginataion . they stay for a while and eventually the ghost does come. Hortio is convinced and decides they should go tell hamlet. The net scene begins with the king, hamlet, gertrude Polonious, and Ophelia. The king requests of Hamlet that he not return to school in Guttenburg and instead stay close to home. Hamlet agrees, though not happily. he then bitterly reflects about how soon after his fathers death his mother remarried. He is then greeted by Hortio and Benardo who tell him they hae seen his father. On the next scene Laertes bids his sister goodbye warning her to stay away from Hemlet while he is gone. She says that she will and he leaves. Then sh eis met by her father who echoes the same warning.
While claudous is away drinking, Hamlet goes to see the ghost of his father. The ghost beckons and he follows it and hears the story of his fathers murder. Hamlet tells his friends following being reunited and makes them swear to secrecy about all they have seen.

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