Monday, October 5, 2009

Gilgamesh Part Two

Gilgamesh and Enkidu decide to go kill the great Humbaba, the gaurdian of the Cedars to prove that they are more powerful and superior to him. Enkidu is scared but masks his fear to give Gigamesh strength. They set off, and after three days, reach the forrest. Suddenly it isn't Enkido who is afraid, but Gilgamesh. Enkidu touches a gate and his hand it instantly wounded, turned numb. Tjey rest for the night and Gilgamesh has a strange dream, which he retells to Enkidu who interperates as meaning that only one of them (Gilgamesh) will survive the fight against Humbaba. The next morning they awake and Gilgamesh begins to cut down a tree with his sword. Aroused by the fact that someone was disturbing his forrest, Humbaba comes to punish the perpatraitor. Humbaba comes and strikes EnkiSarah Day: Enkidu on the back, wounding him badly. Gilgamesh is stunned, unable to do anyhting about it untilhe sees that Enkidu is in desperate need of his help. He then snaps out of his daze and goes to help his friend. Eventually they kill Humbaba. Then Ishtar comes and tries to seduce Gilgamesh. He refuses though and insults her saying that he love brings only war. Ishtar is angry andasks her father to send down a bull of heaven to punish them. The bull is sent and attackes the two. Enkidu grabs the bull by it's horns and kills it. Ishtar is very upset that the punishment did not work, so she shouts intulst at them. Enkidu rips off leg leg of the bull and throws it at ishtar who takes refuge with her prostitutes. That night Enkidu's condition worsens. One of the two must die as puniSarah Day: punished. Gilgamesh consols and tries to help his friend, but sadly, in the end, he dies.

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