Thursday, September 24, 2009


The book begins with the peple of Thebes begging Oedipus for help finding out who has caused the drought that is causing the land to wither and who killer their former king. "Now Oedipus , great and glorious, we seek your help again" (26) They say that because he was able to help them once when he first came to Thebes and became King, that he must be able to help them again. Oedipus is a very kind and generous king and says "I would willingly do anything to help you." (26) Oedipus promises that he will do anything that he can to find the culprit and make sure that he is punished approprietly. He also asks his people if any of them know anything about the murder of Laius, saying that if anyone steps up and admits to the crime, that their punishment will be less severe.
Oedipus then leaves and speaks with a blind prophet (theme- the blind that see. He is a prophet blind to the world yet he can see things no one else can)who refuses to tell him anything, saying that he will not like what he has to say. Finally Oedipus comands him to tell him and Tiresias submits telling him, "Upon your head is the curse your lips have are the cursed pollutor of this land." (35) Oedipus is outraged, he cant believe that the prophet dares to bame him. Later he explains his accusation, "You are living in sinful union with th eone you love, living in ignorance of your own undoing." (36) Oedipus is shocked but decided to pursue the matter further, asking Jocasta what she know of the situataion. she tells him that an oracle was given to her late husband (Laius) from the ministers saying that he should die by the hand of his own son. It was predicted that he would unknowingly kill his father and marry his mother. To avoid this Jocasta and her husbend sent their son (Oedipus) away to die, hoping that they could keep the curse from cming true. However a kind shepherd found the baby and gave him a nice home. Oedipus grew up with this family, never knowing that they were not actually his parents. When he was older and heard about the curse he tried to prevent it by leaving and getting as far away as he could from his 'home'. In doing so he came across a man in a carriage led by gaurds. There was an offence between Oedipus and the gaurds and a brawl borke out in which Oedipus killed the man (His father, Laius). Later his journeys bring him to Thebes, where he saves the people from a sphinx. To show their gratitude they ask Oedipus to be their king, to which he accepts. He then marries Jocasta, (his mother) and proceeds to reign as king until the trouble with the famine comes about.
After all this is revealed and Jocasta hears the news, she promptly kills herslef, hanging herself in she and Oedipus' bedroom. When Oedipus finds his wife and mother dead he takes the brooches from her dress and repeatedly stabs them in to his eyes, blinding himself. Oedipus is misserable, sorrowful and disgusted with himself. He begs Creon, his sucessor to banish him from the kingdom, and crys to his world of his sins, as if he wants all of thebes to know what he has done. Creon feels sorry for Oedipus and allows him to 'see' his daughters, Antigone and Isemene one alst time before he (at Oedipus' wish) sends him away.

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