Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Act 4

Gertrude tells cladius that she is very mad at Hamlet, and that he killed Polonius. Back in Elsinore Hamlet was finnishing disposing polonius's body. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ask Hamlet what he has done with the body, but he refuses to tell them. The King then meets with Hamlet to ask him about the body. Hamlet eventually tells him that the body is under the stairs near the castle lobby. After this Cladius orders Hamlet to ship to England. Later Gertrude and Horatio are discusing Ophelia. As she enters she seems to have gone mad from her fathers death. Laertes later enters who is extremely angry and wants to avenge his fathers death. Cladius encourages Laertes to kill Hamlet so it does not look like the king was invovled in any foul play. At the end of the act Gurtrude enters with news that Orphelia has drowened herself.

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