Friday, September 11, 2009

The Odyssey- book 9 & 10 notes

This is the book where Odysseus tells his story to the Pheacians. he tells how the winds took his men Ismarus, where they conquered the ciconians. His men then got greedy and stayed in tha land, taking heir fill of wine, women and animals until the Ciconians got fed up and attacked Odyssseus and his men. They finally escape, losing 6 men from each ship.
Then a storm (sent by zeus) carries them along for nine days, before bringing them to the land of the lotus eaters. Natives give Odysses and his men lotus flowers, trying to be hospitable. But the flowers cause the men to become delerious, and wish for nothing more than t stay there and eat more flowers. Odysseus has to drag his men back to the ship and lock them there to get them to continue on the journey. When Odysseus come to the land of the cyclops', they find a cave laden with food. Not thinking about who lives there they take their fill. When the cyclops returns he is hospitable, but quickly turns hostile, devours two men and locks the rest up. Knowing that they need the Cyclops to open the huge door they devise a plan.
They put a log in the fire, get the cyclops drunk and stab the hot stake in to his eye, blinding him. then hiding under the bellies of sheep they escape, as the cyclops cannot see them.
Odysseus and his men escape, but not before Odysseus has the last word and yells his name to the cyclops as they sail away.

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