Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Act 3

the spies of the king report their failure to find the cause of Hamelts madness so the king decides to take a different approach. He places Ophelia in a place where he can observe the two meeting At first he is very kind to her but then changes and becomes hostile following his exit it is decided that he is not mad because of love as they had origionally thought. Hamlet tells the actors waht to do for the play that night. They paly is to be a reinactment of sorts of the killing of king Hamelt. When the time comes there the king is killed by his brother Claudious stops the paly and rushes out. It is then decided that what the ghost said is true. Hamlet goes to talk to his mother when he hears something behind the curtain. He stabs it thinking it is the king. however it is only Polonius.

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