Monday, October 5, 2009

Gilgamesh - Part one

In part one we are introduced to Gilgamesh, the king of a city called Uruk which sits between the Tirgis and Euphrates river. Gilgamesh is part God, and part man . We also learn about Enkidu, part man part animal. He was bonr on a steppe where he grew up among animals.
Gilgamesh is a tyrant king to his people. He demands his right to deflowed all the brides and works his people half to death, without giving a reason for their labour.
Enkidu is ignorant and Innocent, he ran with the naimals and drank with them. He knew nothing of fear or intelegence & released animals from the traps set by hunters. One a day a hunters son saw Enkidu releasing an antilope from a trap, the boy oculdn't figure out what the thing was as it was hairy like an animal yes wrked like a man. When he freed the gazel he ran beside it, seeming to be a friend f the animals. When the hunters son told his father what he had seen, it angered and scared him. He ordered his son to go to Uruk and tell Gilgamesh to see a prostitute so that he will be humanized and the animals will be ashamed of him. He knows that Gilgamesh will comply becuase he is king. The son obeyed his father and told Gilgamesh what he had seen. Giving great detail about how the creature had worked with great swiftness. Gilgamesh listens but is uninterested as he has heard many stories. He sends the prostitute and then forgets what he heard. The prostitute is left a thte spring to wait for Enkidu. When he sees her, she is unlike anyhting he has ever seen before. When Enkidu wakes up after sleeping with the prostitute, he is exausted, and feels as if life had left his body. His friends have all left him and he is all alone. One day he awakes and the prostitute tells him that she will take him to Uruk to meet Gilgamesh and becme a man. All the hair is shaved from his body an dhe is given clothes. When he arrives, the people treat his as the equal of their king. When Gilgamesh sees Enkidu, and hears peope cheering for someone other than him, he lunges at Enkidu. They fight and wrestle in the streets. When they stop they look at each other and see themselves in each others eyes. They they laugh and embrace as companions.

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