Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Act 5

Two gravediggers are shoveling a grave for Ophelia. Since her death looks like a suicide they argue whether Ophelia should be burried in the churchyard. Then Hamlet and Horatio enter and watch the grave being dug from a distance. Hamlet then asks the gravedigger whose grave he is digging. The gravedigger responds saying he is digging his own grave. He then tells hamlet, not realizing who hamlet was, that he has been a gravedigger since King Hamlet deafeted the elder Fortinbras.
Next enters the funeral prossession for ophelia. Laertes jumps into the grave and holds ophelia once more in his hands. Hamlet then declares his love for Ophelia and leaps into the grave and fights Laertes. They were then pulled apart with the help of the funeral mourners. The next day at Elsinore castle Hamlet is having a conversation with horatio. They are interrupted by Osric who tells Hamlet that Claudius wants Hamlet to fence with Laertes. Hamlet agrees to fight ignoring Horatios advice.
The fight begins and the king declares that if Hamlet wins the first or second hit he will drink to Hamlets health. Hamlet scores a couple of hits and Gertrude drinks to Hamlets health. But her drink is poisned. Laertes and Hamlet switch swords and Hamlet wounds Laertes with his own blade. Both the queen and laertes perish in this battle. In the last scene more and more people are killed and Hamlet finnaly kills Claudius.

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