Thursday, October 22, 2009

Plot Overview

A monster, Grendal is terrorizing the Daneish inhabbitance of Herot. Whenever they sing and celebrate it causes the monster to kinda freak out and kill anyone he comes in contact with. Anyway, pretty soon king Hrothgar gets sick of all his men and women dying. Soon Belwulf comes along, proclaiming that he will save the day. Some doubt him but he is strong and brave so they give him a chance. He stays all night in the mead hall and when Grendal comes, he kills him, using no weapons or armour, only his natural strength. It seems like everything is better, right? Monster dead, no more proble. Wrong. Now Beowulf has Grendals mother to deal with Grendals mother. He kills her in her under water lair with a sword meant fr a giant. He also finds the head of Grendel which he cuts off and brings back to Hrothgar. There is great Celebration. Bewulf then returns back to Geatland where he rules as king until he s disturbed by a dragon, the gaurdian of treasure. Luckily, Beowulf is able to kill him as well, but not before revieving a wound to his neck. The wound is poisionous, and soon after killing the beast, beowulf begins to die. He has done a great deal for his kingdom though and dies honorably.

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