Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Odyssey- Book 2 notes

The book begins with Telemachus rising and getting ready for the day. He seems to have a very distinguished Aura about him, and is followed by two hounds. Page 12 says "and marvelous was the grace that Athena cast about him" He has the heralds summon an assembly for the elders of the Greeks, and sits down in his fathers chair, stepping in to his shoes. Aegyptius, and old man who "knows a thousand things" is the first to speak and praises Telemachus for calling an assembly as it is the first time one has been called since Odysseus left.
Telemachus has called the assembly to ask the elders for their help. He says "Much has gone to waste, for there is no man fit like Odysseus to keep damage from our doors."
He beings a long speech pleading with the elders, saying that the suiters pursue courtship fruitlessly day in and day out while any decent man would simply go to her fathers house and ask for her hand in marriage. Antinous also says that he thinks it is Penelopes fault becuase she seems to seduce the suiters. He brings u the amtter of her weaving and unweaving the burial shroud for her father in alw and says that if she is not fit to make a decision for herslef then she should be sent to her father and he can make the decision for her. But Telemachus refuses to throw his mother out and calls upon the Gods to punish the suiters. The discussion is then interupted by two eagles flying overhead locked in combat. This is interpereted as the immenent return of Odysseus and the massacre of the suiters if they do not leave.
Athena visits again as Mentor, another close friend of Odysseus' and tells Telemachus that his journey will be fruitful. The chapter then ends with Athena disguising as elemachus himslef and going to find him a crew for his voyage.

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